
Have You Checked On Your Inner Child Lately?

There are few experiences more frustrating than that confusing type of depression or anxiety--the kind that seems to happen “for no reason” and appears to have no source, despite our efforts to reflect and understand it.

When we’re dealing with this mystery psychological suffering, we might be contacting an inner child in need. 

As we move through life from birth to adulthood, we experience, and we digest. We are complex systems that are constantly learning, processing, and storing information. We interact with our parents, siblings, teachers, and friends on a daily basis. We digest these interactions into information.

We use this information to develop patterns to look out for, beliefs to use in navigating future experiences, and data to make sense of who we are and where we belong.

As children, and especially Highly Sensitive (HSP) children, we have unique needs individual to our personalities. Our caregivers (who are likely doing their very best!) are not going to catch and meet all of our needs--for attention, affection, connection, and validation.

Think of the times you’ve really felt “seen” for who you are. Without advice, opinion, or concern attached. Just seen. Understood. Listened to.

It’s rare! The type of connection we crave often comes in inconsistent, unexpected moments.

We treasure these pieces--these moments of feeling attuned to. They keep us feeling secure in who we are, both individually and in relationship as adults. They create a belief of “I’m okay as I am”.

But the other pieces--the times where we felt our caregiver’s mind was elsewhere, the times where we felt judged, the times where we felt ignored--these pieces remain in our system like a smudge on our glasses, affecting how we see and navigate the world to this day.

Our inner child’s ingenious system of creating patterns, beliefs, and self-concept takes in ALL information--as fact. This includes the interpretation of our caregiver’s distractedness as personal, the perception of our parent’s anger as our fault, and the feeling of shame that comes with misunderstood or ignored feelings.

This interaction of our system with our environment creates debris--pieces of pain that have nowhere to go. Smudges on our glasses.

Our inner child takes responsibility for these pieces. I must be too annoying. Too sensitive. Not good enough. And we earnestly carry these pieces of pain forward, into our patterns, beliefs, and self-concept.

Our inner child’s pain could show up as an unexplained depression we feel due to a long-term sense of disconnection, beginning with an overworked and distant caregiver.

Our inner child could feel angry at people who try to get close, doing their best to protect us from being let down like we were in the past.

Our inner child could feel afraid of attention after accepting their role as The Helper, turning the focus on others instead of receiving affection, and feeling simultaneously terrified of and starving for connection.

There are countless ways our inner child may be showing up in the here-and-now.

All of these parts of us--the ones that need resolution, need attention, need healing--will continue to show up for us, asking for what they need in the ways they know how, until we turn our attention to them and recognize first-off that they even exist. 

Through mindfulness, psychotherapy, journaling, and any other ways we know how, we can contact these painful parts. Once we acknowledge and begin building a relationship with our inner child, we can finally give ourselves what we’ve been needing.

We can integrate these painful pieces, clearing our mind, body, and emotions from old, unhelpful, and unfinished stories. 

From this place--this place of clarity and wholeness--we can live authentically. From this place, we find emotional freedom.

We Don't Need To Find Our Purpose

As people seeking evolution and life satisfaction, we often hold a belief that we must “find our purpose” in order to feel fulfilled. We seek externally for that perfect job or that perfect hobby that will give us the “aha moment” we’ve been waiting for. We want to know why we were put on this planet. 

What does purpose mean to you? Why is it worth the search? What are you truly trying to find?

Most of us are looking for a sense of life satisfaction. A safety in ourselves and our life. Simply put: We want to be happy.

The truth is, our purpose is not something to find. It’s something to remember.

Instead of looking for your purpose, notice in what moments you are already living it. In other words, what are you doing when you feel the most free? What comes easily to you? What can you lose track of time doing? 

Bonus question: What makes you feel like a kid again?

In these moments of flow/joy/freedom, our purpose is simply revealed to us. No grasping or searching required. We remember how to feel free.

We need to release the pressure we put on ourselves to have it all figured out—as individuals and as a culture. Our dissatisfaction with life can create an anxiety and an urgency around finding this elusive purpose. We can feel behind and even ashamed for feeling lost.

The truth is, the figuring out happens naturally when we follow our freedom. There is nothing to find but our joy that has been with us all along. We live our way into the answer.

Focus on the ease and fall into your purpose.

Feeling Depressed? Identifying Values Can Help.

Depression, sadness, or hopelessness can feel confusing. Considering how to feel better can be overwhelming. If you’re feeling depressed and not sure why, simply identifying your values can help.

What do you find yourself caring the most about? Relationships? Adventure? Knowledge? Fun?

These aspects of life we find ourselves drawn to--that we find important--are values. For a list of values often used in psychotherapy, click here.

Once you identify your top values, you’ve essentially created a map to life satisfaction. 

Consider: Does my day-to-day life align with my values?

If not, you may be feeling lackluster.

Sometimes our responsibilities, circumstances, and culture take precedence over our values. If you value adventure, cliff diving in Tahiti is likely not in the cards for today.

However, you have the power to incorporate your top values into your everyday life right now by making small and different choices. For example, you can go on a long drive and see where it takes you, try something new for lunch, or get curious about an unfamiliar person in your life.

Making choices in line with your top values, big and small, can help lift your depression and give you more vitality to live the life that makes you happy.

Mindfulness Builds Intuition

“Mindfulness is awareness that arises from paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally.” -Kabat-Zinn

We typically navigate our day-to-day experience on auto-pilot, mainly using thought as our guide. We plan and we process. You might notice even now that your awareness is mainly in your mind and almost completely disconnected from your body and emotions.

Mindfulness allows present-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and memories. It is like a superpower in this way. In mindfulness, we can access WAY more information about our internal experience than when we rely solely on the mind.

When we practice mindfulness to access the vibrancy of present moment experience, we can pick up on pieces of our truth that we would otherwise miss when stuck in thought. In other words, we build our intuition.

For example, in making a decision, we could use thought to weigh the pros and cons of each choice. We could also use mindfulness to sense how each choice feels in our body. These sensations are informed by our thoughts, memories, and emotions.

What would it be like to get curious about how your body feels in a choice? Would you feel relaxed or tense? What would you notice is informing that sensation?

We make more informed choices when we add mindfulness to our decision-making toolbox. More informed choices = more thriving and less suffering!

When we practice mindfulness, we build intuition, and we make choices that help us thrive.

How To Think Positively...and Believe It

Harnessing the “power of positive thinking” can feel like an elusive and frustrating endeavor. If you’ve ever tried to replace negative thoughts with more positive thoughts, you know believing them is easier said than done.

Have you ever been in a negative headspace and had someone sweetly advise you to “be positive”? You’re not alone if this made you want to scream.

Thinking positively AND BELIEVING IT is hard!

Here are two tricks that make thinking positively and believing it possible:

Validate Yourself

Our positive thought must acknowledge what is true about the negative/sad/worried part of our thinking. Our thoughts should validate us, just like we validate our friends before going into fix-it mode. It takes us off the defense. No unicorn or rainbow thoughts allowed.

If I am stressing about paying my bills, telling myself, “Who cares?! Money is just paper!” isn’t going to resolve my worry.

If I tell myself, “This is stressful. I don’t know what to do now, but I know I’ll figure it out,” I am more likely to feel soothed and relaxed.

Notice Your Body

Once we have a validating positive thought, notice what is happening in the body. When we are thinking negatively, a sensation pairs with the negative thought. This could be a pit in the stomach, tightness in the throat, or a racing heart.

When we use an effective positive thought that validates and uplifts us, the proof is in the body. Do the shoulders relax? Does the heart lift? Does the breath deepen?

If so, high five! You have mastered how to think positively and believe it.